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Be a Living Heritage Project Partner

We are looking for international friends who can provide expertise and assistance in the following areas:

  • Export markets
    We are looking for advisors who can help Koslanda farmers market their products to export markets on a fair trade basis. Products with export potential include ancient rice, pepper, dried fruit, organic tea, sustainably produced organic ayuverdic medicine, high quality handicrafts sourced from natural materials, farmers boxes consisting of samples of the best Sri Lankan products. Our aim is to create a Koslanda brand synonymous with environmental sustainability, organic principals, fair production conditions and quality.
  • Organic farming
    We are looking for international partners to form an advisory committee on certification and incentives schemes that will encourage more and more of our local farmers to farm organically.
  • Web design
    The Living Heritage network of websites is a valuable depositary for information on Sri Lankan culture, but is time consuming to update and becoming visually outmoded. We are looking for interested parties who would be willing to give some of their time towards assisting the web master in maintaining these sites.
  • Networking
    Representatives who would be willing to promote LHT and our mission in their home countries and nationally in Sri Lanka would be highly valuable to the successful continuation of our work.