10 Core American Values
Note:  The following are teaching notes that I made available for students in BSAD560, Intercultural Business Relations, a graduate course offered as an elective in the MBA program at Andrews University.  If you find this material useful, you may use it for non-commercial purposes such as teaching, intercultural training seminars, etc.  In such cases, provide an appropriate academic citation to Dr Charles Tidwell, Dean Emeritus, Andrews University.

In addition, these notes have been translated as listed below.  If you desire to translate these notes into another language and use them in a blog or other publically available web site and wish to have this noted here, please let me know.  My e-mail is tidwell@andrews.edu

Language Translator Web-link
Anima Dugalic
Ana Mirilashvili
Barbora Lebedova

Updated:  June 8, 2018